movie love

Have you seen this movie?

We watched it last week and I loooooved it! I did end up bawling after the first eleven minutes, however, as the beginning montage broke my heart. But the rest of the movie was amazing, and I only cried a teeny bit near the end. (I know it is a cartoon and the characters aren’t real, so there’s nothing to cry about. But my heart does what it wants.)

My favourite character was Russell.

I was a bit on edge at work today, since I have two work shifts coming up this weekend and everyone was making a big fuss over the long weekend and how nice it is not to work. Bleh. But Sunday will be spent with family, and the next weekend Himself and I both have off, so we can really enjoy it.

The weather has flipped from cold and rainy to warm and sunny, and I’m super-excited to wear spring clothes again!! Plus the daylight lasts so much longer, so you really get a chance to enjoy the afternoon & evening once you’re home from work. Love it!

Well, I’m off to snuggle a cat and maybe practise my racing (Need For Speed is super-addictive!)… lovely weekend wishes to all!